Daffodils Children's Therapy
Private Paediatr​ic
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Education/Training Sessions for Teachers/Parents various topics on:
Sensory Integration Difficulties/ Handwriting/ Balance & Coordination / Sleep / Feeding / Bed wetting /Behaviour/ Executive Functioning / Focus & Concentration / Understanding Developmental Diagnosis: ADHD, Dyspraxia, Autism
Training education sessions can be arranged by school SENCO/Head Teacher to include a variety of topics. Each training session would provide educators with a general knowledge of the topic with use of up to date evidence and literature. Individual or groups of parents can arrange sessions.
Training sessions would typically be 2hrs, with a 1hr presentation with slides & handouts, followed by a practical session of information sharing to help implement strategies into the everyday classroom /home environment.
Home & School Programs
Targeted advice and information packs are developed to suit the child's specific presentation and maybe suitable following assessment when 1:1 therapy is not necessary. Programs advice would need to be followed by home & school on a daily basis and follow-up clinic with OT to review after a period of time is recommended. School visit may also be appropriate following assessment to provide teachers with practical strategies on how to support your child with their program whilst in school.
Block of 1:1 Therapy with OT
Following assessment with an OT, a block of therapy maybe recommended to target child specific goals, treatment sessions can be arranged with OT to take place at home/school or clinic environment. A typical block would include up to 10 weekly or biweekly sessions as appropriate. Therapy sessions would typically run 1hr with 45mins on treatment and 15mins to review goals & feedback.
Therapy approaches can include:
-Sensory Integration Therapy (SIT)
-Sensory Motor Approach
-Compensatory Equipment & Advice
-Environmental Controls & Adaptations
-Cognitive Approaches (CO-OP, Alert, Handwriting programs)
-Movement & Rhythm