Daffodils Children's Therapy
Private Paediatr​ic
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Daffodils Children's Therapy is an independent practice offering timely, accredited, evidenced-based assessment, treatment & advice for children.
(aged 1-16 yrs)
An Occupational therapist (OT) will help a child to improve their ability to learn, socialise and play, finding ways to overcome any problems they experience when participating in activities.
Helping children to develop and thrive...
A comprehensive assessment by Occupational Therapy can help to identify difficulties a child may be experiencing in the following areas:
Motor Skills (Gross & Fine)- Active play, general coordination & balance, P.E., riding a bike, doing up laces, managing buttons & zips
Handwriting- hand dominance, correct pencil grasp, fluidity, letter formation (reversals) speed & accuracy (staying on the line)
Core stability- strength & stamina during play
Focus & Attention- both at school & home
Visual Perception- Difficulty with reading and/or copying from the board
Organisation- the child who is always forgetting their school work, P.E. kit, who had difficulty organising their school bag
Social & Emotional development and Behaviour- Difficulty navigating social interactions, managing emotions and self-regulation
Sensory Processing- Is easily distracted or distressed by their environment (light, noise or seeking movement). Children who cannot sit still, who struggle to follow instructions. Children who struggle with sleep.